January 11, 2025
There is, as always, so much information circulating in the New Year about resolutions and how to eat, how to exercise, how to strive. For me, if I let in too much, it brings discomfort, self-doubt, and even anxiety. What if we do this instead? What if we, like Winter, get quiet and turn inward and draw on our own experience, knowledge and intuition? What do we know about ourselves that will serve us well? What if we slow, and look outward to the natural world and draw in the wisdom of the cycles of this world, so that we can thrive, without having to strive?
A musing for today: go slow, stop, and listen. What does the body really need? Daylight on the face? Sleep? Nourishment? Some slow, long, calming exhales? Gentle movement? Time for healing? And what can it give? A hug? A smile? Some warmth? A song? A meal? An ear to listen without judgement?
How are you relating to the world around you? What are you receiving? A sunrise? A sunset? The sounds of the birds? A patch of blue sky? What are you offering? Food for those birds? A blanket of leaves for sleeping soil? Compost for the seeds of spring?
This is where I'm starting in 2025 and I hope you'll join me. Wishing you well and wishing you peace.